sisHYD User Guide

Import/update customers from Excel

First page of the Excel import

  • Open standard customer list – Click on the symbol to open the standard customer list in Microsoft Excel. The symbol cannot be selected if the standard customer master list does not exist.
    Note: The standard customer list is filekunden.xls in the customer folder of the sisHYD project.
  • Update customers – Mark this field if you want to update the existing customer data with consumption values from the Excel spreadsheet.
    • With this approach no customers are created and no customer allocations (node, consumer group, organization group) are changed. The function only updates the consumption values of existing customers, who are identified with their names.
      Warning: The names of the customers listed in the Excel spreadsheet must be present in case of the update!

Transfer customers from Microsoft Excel

The assistant has found that customer data is already present in the project and now offers the choice of 2 procedures:

  1. Replace: In this case all customer data is removed before they are imported again from the Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Append: Keep the customer record and insert the customers from the Excel spreadsheet into the customer record. The customer names in the Excel spreadsheet cannot occur in the record for the action to be carried out error free.
    • Named Range – Use a named range to mark the region of your spreadsheet containing the customer data including the required header rows.

Read customer data from Excel

You can follow the progress of the transfer of the customer data from the Excel spreadsheet into the data record with the completion display. During this process warning and error messages will be placed as comments into the Excel spreadsheet cells causing the message.

Import finished

The assistant completed the import/update of customer data and successfully transferred it to the data volume.

  • Finish – Click on "Finish" to end the assistant.sisHYD has already converted the customer data into consumers in the background.
  • Cancel – Cancel the assistant to leave to undo the import process.